Universal Windows Debloater
Universal Windows Debloater is a simple and light weight powershell script that removes pre-installed windows 10/11 bloatware apps, disables telemetry and declutters the experience by disabling or removing intrusive interface elements, ads and context menu items. No need to painstakingly go through all the settings yourself, or removing apps one by one. Universal Windows Debloater makes the process quick and simple!
You can pick and choose exactly which modifications you want the script to make, or use the default settings for your specific windows version which should be fine for most people. If you are unhappy with any of the changes you can easily revert them by using the registry files that are included in the ‘Regfiles’ folder, and all of the apps that are removed by default can be reinstalled from the microsoft store.
The windows 10 default settings will
- Remove all bloatware apps from this list.
- Disable telemetry, diagnostic data & targeted ads.
- Disable bing search & cortana in windows search.
- Disable tips & tricks on the lockscreen. (This may change your lockscreen wallpaper to the windows default)
- Disable tips, tricks and suggestions in the startmenu and settings, and sync provider ads in windows explorer.
- Hide the Chat (meet now) & Widget (news and interests) icons from the taskbar.
- Hide the 3D objects folder under ‘This pc’ in windows explorer.
- Disable the ‘Include in library’ from context menu.
- Disable the ‘Give access to’ from context menu.
- Disable the ‘Share’ from context menu. (Does not remove the onedrive share option)
The windows 11 default settings will
- Remove all bloatware apps from this list.
- Disable telemetry, diagnostic data & targeted ads.
- Disable bing search, bing AI & cortana in windows search.
- Disable tips & tricks on the lockscreen. (This may change your lockscreen wallpaper to the windows default)
- Disable tips, tricks and suggestions in the startmenu and settings, and sync provider ads in windows explorer.
- Hide the Chat & Widget icons from the taskbar.
The ‘Custom’ option allows you to customize the script to your exact needs
A full list of what changes this script can make can be found here.
Disclaimer: This script is believed to be completely safe to run, but use this script at your own risk!
Easy method
- Download the latest version of the script, and extract the .ZIP file to your desired location.
- Navigate to the Universal-Windows-Debloater folder
- Double click the ‘Run.bat’ file to start the script. Note: If the console window immediately closes and nothing happens, try the advanced method below.
- Accept the windows UAC prompt to run the script as administrator, this is required for the script to function.
- A new powershell window will now open, showing the Universal-Windows-Debloater menu. Select either the default or custom setup to continue.
Advanced method
This method gives you the option to run the script with certain parameters to tailor the behaviour of the script to your needs without requiring any user input during runtime, making it quicker and easier to deploy on a large number of systems.
- Download the latest version of the script, and extract the .ZIP file to your desired location.
- Open powershell as an administrator.
- Enable powershell execution by entering the following command:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
- In powershell, navigate to the directory where the files were extracted. Example: `cd c:\Universal-Windows-Debloater
- Enter this into powershell to run the script:
.\Universal Windows Debloater.ps1
- A menu will now open. Select either the default or custom setup to continue.
To run the script without any user input, simply add parameters at the end, example: .\Universal Windows Debloater.ps1 -RemoveApps -DisableBing
Parameter |
Description |
-RunDefaults |
Run the script with windows 10 default settings. |
-RunWin11Defaults |
Run the script with windows 11 default settings. |
-RemoveApps |
Remove all bloatware apps from this list. |
-DisableTelemetry |
Disable telemetry, diagnostic data & targeted ads. |
-DisableBing |
Disable bing search, bing AI & cortana in windows search. |
-DisableLockscreenTips |
Disable tips & tricks on the lockscreen. |
-DisableSuggestions |
Disable tips, tricks and suggestions in the startmenu and settings, and sync provider ads in windows explorer. |
-DisableChat |
Hide the chat (meet now) icon on the taskbar. |
-DisableWidgets |
Hide the widget (news and interests) icon on the taskbar. |
-DisableOnedrive |
Hide the onedrive folder in the windows explorer sidepanel. |
-Disable3dObjects |
Hide the 3D objects folder under ‘This pc’ in windows explorer. |
-DisableMusic |
Hide the music folder under ‘This pc’ in windows explorer. |
-DisableIncludeInLibrary |
Disable the ‘Include in library’ option in the context menu. |
-DisableGiveAccessTo |
Disable the ‘Give access to’ option in the context menu. |
-DisableShare |
Disable the ‘Share’ option in the context menu. |
Debloat Windows 10/11
By default, this script only removes preinstalled apps that most people are unlikely to ever need or use. You can of course customize which apps are removed by this script by editing the apps list found in the ‘Universal Windows Debloater.ps1’ file.
These apps will be deleted by default
- AdobeSystemsIncorporated.AdobePhotoshopExpress
- Clipchamp.Clipchamp
- Dolby
- Duolingo-LearnLanguagesforFree
- Facebook
- Flipboard
- Microsoft.3DBuilder
- Microsoft.549981C3F5F10 (Cortana)
- Microsoft.Asphalt8Airborne
- Microsoft.BingFinance
- Microsoft.BingNews
- Microsoft.BingSports
- Microsoft.BingTranslator
- Microsoft.BingWeather
- Microsoft.GetHelp
- Microsoft.Getstarted
- Microsoft.Messaging
- Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer
- Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub
- Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection
- Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes
- Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal
- Microsoft.NetworkSpeedTest
- Microsoft.News
- Microsoft.Office.OneNote
- Microsoft.Office.Sway
- Microsoft.OneConnect
- Microsoft.Print3D
- Microsoft.RemoteDesktop
- Microsoft.SkypeApp
- Microsoft.Todos
- Microsoft.WindowsAlarms
- Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub
- Microsoft.WindowsMaps
- Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder
- Microsoft.ZuneMusic
- Microsoft.ZuneVideo
- PandoraMediaInc
- Picsart-Photostudio
- Royal Revolt
- Speed test
- Spotify
- Twitter
- Wunderlist
- king.com.BubbleWitch3Saga
- king.com.CandyCrushSaga
- king.com.CandyCrushSodaSaga
These apps will NOT be deleted by default
- Microsoft.GamingApp
- Microsoft.MSPaint (Paint 3D)
- Microsoft.People
- Microsoft.PowerAutomateDesktop
- Microsoft.ScreenSketch
- Microsoft.Windows.Photos
- Microsoft.WindowsCalculator
- Microsoft.WindowsCamera
- microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps (Mail & Calendar)
- Microsoft.WindowsStore (NOTE: This app cannot be reinstalled!)
- Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI
- Microsoft.XboxApp
- Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay
- Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay
- Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider
- Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay (NOTE: This app cannot be reinstalled from the microsoft store!)
- Microsoft.YourPhone
Improve your Windows 10/11 experience
This script can also make various changes to declutter & improve your overall windows 10/11 experience, and protect your privacy. These changes include:
- Disable telemetry, diagnostic data & targeted ads.
- Disable bing search, bing AI & cortana in windows search.
- Disable tips & tricks on the lockscreen. (This changes your lockscreen wallpaper to the windows default)
- Disable tips, tricks and suggestions in the startmenu and settings, and sync provider ads in windows explorer.
- Hide the chat (meet now) icon on the taskbar.
- Hide the widget (news and interests) icon on the taskbar.
- Hide the onedrive folder in the windows explorer sidepanel.
- Hide the 3D objects folder under ‘This pc’ in windows explorer.
- Hide the music folder under ‘This pc’ in windows explorer.
- Disable the ‘Include in library’ option in the context menu.
- Disable the ‘Give access to’ option in the context menu.
- Disable the ‘Share’ from context menu. (Does not remove the onedrive share option)
All of these changes can be individually reverted with the registry files that are included in the ‘Regfiles’ folder.
- Universal Windows Debloater

- Universal Windows Debloater with Default Windows 10 settings

- Universal Windows Debloater with Custom Configuration

If you have any suggestions to this README or about the Script, feel free to inform me. And if you liked, you are free to use it for yourself.(P.S. Star it too!! 😬 )
Your Contributions are much welcomed here!
Fork the project
Compile your work
Call in for a Pull Request
Credits: Samuel Jayasingh
Last Edited on: 27/06/2023